The Federation (Return to Home Page) Jennifer Adams Kelley as Peri and Steve Hill as the Sixth Doctor Jennifer Adams Kelley as Peri and Steve Hill as the Sixth Doctor
L to R: Mark Christensen, Pat Reardon, Chris Brainerd, Pat Engle, Rob Warnock, Jeff SparrowL to R: Mark Christensen, Pat Reardon, Chris Brainerd, Pat Engle, Rob Warnock, Jeff Sparrow

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Review by Dennis Kuhn

Visit Dennis Kuhn's "Time and Again" site


Summary: An original Twilight Zone-like story that is equal parts horror and sci-fi.

The talented folks at the Federation have made a quantum leap forward in film craft since the Reign Of Turner. The acting, the editing, the sound, the music, everything is much more polished and professional looking.

The story (without giving too much away) involves the characters known as The Doctor and his assistant Peri, from the famous BBC TV series, Doctor Who. It also involves the actors who played them, in an original way that fits quite cleverly in with the original series that it refers to.

Steve Hill is spot-on in his dual performances of Colin Baker/The Doctor. His accent and mannerisms are very consistent and he does a wonderful job in giving visual and audible cues as the subtle differences between the two. The fact that he also directed and co-wrote this film are an even greater credit to his talents.

Jennifer Adams Kelley has a bit more difficulty in pulling off the illustration of two different characters, but has a wonderful sense of humor that plays nicely on the screen. I suspect her real strength is in writing, since she is listed first in the writing credits, and I really enjoyed the finely crafted story a great deal.

Erin Tumilty plays a sexy BBC employee who gets drawn into the story by the antagonist-who-shall-remain-shrouded-in-secret. Erin is very easy on the eyes, and a fine addition to the story.

The original score and the editing help the pacing of the story very well, always keeping the story moving forward.

If you enjoyed Doctor Who and Twilight Zone episodes, you'll love Realitywarp!

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